What should I do if the electric hot water heater cannot catch fire?

Generally, it is impossible to catch fire because the solenoid valve of the electric hot water heater is malfunctioning. The basic performance phenomenon is that there is only the ignition sound during ignition, and there is no magnetic sound of the solenoid valve. This may mean that the solenoid valve is damaged or aged, resulting in If the gas pressure is too high or too low, it will not be able to catch fire, or because the solenoid valve has stolen materials, which will cause the gas to come out and not ignite.

The general solution, for example, the solenoid valve needs to be replaced if it is aging. If there is a gas pressure problem, it needs to be replaced with a new gas bottle. If the gas valve has stolen goods, it needs to be cleaned up. If it is an ignition control circuit, it needs to be replaced. Repair circuit problem.
It may also be due to the failure of the water-air linkage device, which is manifested as the absence of ignition sounds and electric sparks. In general, the test method is to check the tympanic membrane in the water-air linkage valve for aging or damage, and can not push the micro switch. At this time, replace the water-air linkage valve or repair it.

Generally, there are the above reasons why the electric hot water heater cannot catch fire. If you encounter such a situation in the future, you can simply deal with it according to the above method. If you cannot solve the problem, it is better to find a professional to deal with it. It is worth noting that you should pay attention to safety during the inspection and cut off the power to protect yourself.

