The role and advantages,disadvantages of plate heat exchangers

Plate heat exchangers are a type of mobile device that transfers heat between metal plates because the liquid is spread over more surfaces, which increases the exchange rate. Metal tubes are used to heat fluids.

The role of plate heat exchangers
The plate heat exchanger is based on different external and internal components, the welding plate exchange plates are welded together, and the brazed plate type construction model is vacuum brazed. In many cases, in order to make smaller sections work better, some chambers are designed to be thinner, allowing most of the liquid to contact the plate, improving heat transfer.

The plate heat exchanger can play a good heat transfer effect in the boiler heating in winter. In the daily use process, it is necessary to do a good job of protecting this equipment. The plate heat exchanger is a kind of equipment that can play multiple benefits and functions for us. The user clearly knows its role and protects it so that it can play a greater role.

Advantages of plate heat exchangers
High heat transfer coefficient. The plate heat exchanger has a small flow channel, the plates are wavy, and the cross-section changes are complex, which makes the flow direction and velocity of the fluid constantly change, which increases the disturbance of the fluid and has a high heat transfer coefficient.

Great adaptability. The required heat transfer area can be achieved by increasing or decreasing the plate. A heat exchanger can be divided into several units, which can be used for heating or cooling between several fluids at the same time.

Compact structure, small size and few consumables. The heat transfer area per cubic meter volume can reach 250m2, and the heat transfer surface per square meter only needs about 15kg of metal.

Dirt factor is small. Due to the large flow disturbance, dirt is not easily deposited. The plate heat exchanger plate is of good material and has little corrosion, which makes its fouling coefficient value smaller. Plate heat exchangers mainly use metal plates, so the price of raw materials is cheaper than the same metal pipes.

Disadvantages of plate heat exchangers
1) Poor sealing and easy to leak. The gasket needs to be replaced frequently, which is troublesome.
2) The use pressure is limited, and generally does not exceed 1MPa.
3) The use temperature is limited by the temperature resistance of the gasket material.

