A few points to know about daily use of office swivel chair

That is, do not loosen the tightness of the office swivel chair too much, because this will cause the joint of the office chair to become too loose or too tight, which will easily cause the office chair to be damaged.

When sitting for a long time on an office chair, you should stand up and pat it, so as to make the seat cushion of the chair return to its original state. If the office chair is made of genuine leather, it should be protected from direct sunlight.
Office swivel chair When cleaning the office chair, do not wipe the office chair vigorously, because this can easily damage the surface of the office chair and cause damage to the office chair. When cleaning, you can wash according to the appropriate concentration of soapy water, and then wipe with clean water, but remember, do not use strong decontamination products to clean the office chair.

Pay attention to check the air pressure rod in the office to ensure that the air pressure rod is safe, because if the air pressure rod is damaged, it is easy to cause the office chair to appear dangerous. It is also worth noting that the office chair should not be placed more than the load, otherwise it will be crushed. Office chair, thus shortening the service life.

