What are the factors affecting the coating thickness tester?

The coating thickness tester can nondestructively measure the thickness of the non-magnetic coating on the magnetic metal substrate and the thickness of the non-conductive coating on the non-magnetic metal substrate. The coating thickness gauge has the characteristics of small measurement error, high reliability, good stability, easy operation, etc., and is an essential testing instrument for controlling and ensuring product quality.
The magnetic properties of the base metal generally refer to the influence of the magnetic change of the thickness of the base metal by the magnetic method. In order to avoid the influence of heat treatment and cold processing factors, it is necessary to calibrate the instrument using a standard piece with the same properties as the base metal of the sample, so that it can be used Coat test specimens for calibration.
The electrical properties of the base metal and the conductivity of the base metal have an influence on the measurement, while the conductivity of the base metal is related to its material composition and heat treatment method. Calibrate the instrument using a standard sheet with the same properties as the test specimen base metal. Base metal thickness. Each instrument has a critical thickness for the base metal. Above this thickness, the measurement is not affected by the thickness of the base metal.

