The Correct Cleaning Method For Fabric Chinese Lanterns

Some points to note when cleaning fabric chinese lanterns:
1. Before cleaning, you need to unplug the power cord. If you do not unplug the power cord, cleaning may be dangerous.
2. Selection of cleaning liquid. The cleaning liquid should be of good quality so that it can smoothly clean the dust and other marks on the LED screen.
Cleaning and maintenance are generally divided into the following three steps:
The first step: vacuuming, you must first remove the dirt and dust that shows the appearance of the screen mask.
The second step: wet cleaning, you can not spray the washing liquid directly on the screen, but spray a little cleaning liquid on the cleaning cloth, and then gently wipe in one direction, of course, you can also use the soft brush on the vacuum cleaner Brush the lamp tube mask to clean the dirt.
The third step: drying, using a vacuum cleaner to dry the water marks left after wet washing, to ensure that the performance screen is neat and dust-free.

