Mobile container house safety precautions

       In order to ensure the safe use of the Mobile container house and prevent accidents, the following safety measures should be taken during the construction of the mobile house: First, the steel house with color steel plates must be used steadily, although the structural strength and stiffness of the steel house And stability are relatively good, but still pay attention to stability when installing, the installation quality needs to meet the safety requirements of the construction site.
        When making a facility construction plan for a mobile home, the manufacturer is generally responsible for installation and construction, because they have a professional construction and installation team, and they check whether the installation is also required according to the quality stipulated by the manufacturer's construction plan.
        In order to choose the correct mobile home building location, choose a good location and surrounding environment, you need to avoid the loose lands on the side of the foundation pit and the river, you also need to avoid the locations and open areas prone to tornadoes. The front should avoid the main windward direction.
        The height of the movable room is two stories, and it should be filed with the safety supervision agency. The erection personnel should wear full hats and safety helmet belts. They must fasten safety belts and fasten safety buckles when suspended.

