Matters needing attention in the winding process of the hollow inductor coil?

         Matters needing attention in the winding process of the hollow inductor coil: In the actual use of the inductor coil, there are many types of inductor coils that are non-standard parts, and these are wound according to the targeted. Therefore, the following points need to be paid attention to during the winding process:
         1. Need to choose the fixed winding method according to the needs of the circuit;
         When winding a hollow inductor coil, it is necessary to determine the winding method according to the circuit, the amount of inductance, and the diameter of the coil skeleton. When the number of turns is less than 3-5, it is possible to have better characteristics without using a skeleton, and when the Q value is higher, when it reaches 150-400, the stability will be very high. Single-layer dense-wound coils are generally suitable for short-wave and medium-wave circuits. Generally, the Q value can reach 150-250, so it has high stability.
         2. Winding coil leads should be marked clearly so that they can be better distinguished when used.

