Office swivel chair and human health

The main basis of the office swivel chair design is the more natural posture of the human body when sitting, it has many advantages. When a person stands, the joints of the ankles, knees, buttocks and spine of the human body are subjected to the static muscle force to maintain the standing state;

When people are sitting, they can eliminate these muscle strength, reduce body consumption and eliminate fatigue. Sitting posture is more conducive to blood circulation than standing posture. When standing, blood and body fluids will accumulate in lower limbs; while sitting, muscle tissue is relaxed, so that the blood static pressure in the blood vessels of the legs is reduced, and the resistance of blood flowing back to the heart is reduced.

Sitting posture also helps to maintain the stability of the body, which is more suitable for fine work. In the case of foot operation, the sitting posture keeps the body in a stable posture, which is conducive to the work, and thus the most commonly used working posture when sitting.

Most office workers, mental workers, and some manual workers now work in a sitting position. As technology advances, more and more manual workers will also work in a sitting position. But there are still many shortcomings in sitting. Limiting the range of human activities, especially in situations where upper limb output is required, often requires standing work, and frequent sit-ups can lead to waste. Maintaining sitting posture for a long time will also affect human health, so the seat design should fully consider the physiological impact on people, and according to the ergonomic design, it can alleviate the sitting fatigue.

