Mechanism of action of anabolic steroid hormone

Anabolic steroid is a class of fat-soluble hormones. It can be divided into adrenocortical hormones and sex hormones. The adrenal cortex is divided into a globular band, a fascicular band and a reticular band. The fascicular band secretes mineralocorticoids, the fascicular band secretes glucocorticoids, and the reticular band carries secreted hormones. Sex hormones are further divided into estrogen and androgen. Below I mainly introduce the mechanism of action of these steroid hormones, clinical application, adverse reactions and so on.
1. Mechanism of action: Because steroid hormones are fat-soluble, it can penetrate the cell membrane into the cytoplasm and then bind to certain receptors in the cytoplasm through a series of biochemical reactions, structural changes that can penetrate the nuclear membrane and enter The nucleus binds to receptors in the nucleus and acts on chromosomal sites. A biological effect is produced by promoting or inhibiting the synthesis of mRNA by inhibiting or inhibiting the synthesis of certain proteins.

2. Pharmacological effects: steroid hormones have a variety of pharmacological effects. The first point is that it can mediate water and salt metabolism. For example, aldosterone secreted by the adrenal cortex can act on the renal tubules to maintain sodium and potassium. In addition, steroids can also be used in the treatment of certain allergic reactions, such as glucocorticoids for the treatment of allergic asthma. Also, steroid hormones can also be used in women with irregular menstruation. Some young women have primary amenorrhea for various reasons to regulate endocrine hormones in the body through oral steroids. Thereby pulling the hormones in the body down to normal levels.
3. Adverse reactions: Long-term use of steroids can cause many adverse reactions, such as skin rashes and drug eruptions. Gastrointestinal bleeding, perforation. Increased intracranial pressure in the central nervous system. The heart should be obese, amenorrhea and so on. Therefore, when using steroid hormones to treat diseases, you must pay attention to the dosage. If you need long-term medication, you should regularly monitor the adverse reactions to avoid serious consequences.
These are some simple related knowledge about steroid hormones. I hope that through the above text, everyone can have a preliminary understanding of these drugs. If you need to use steroids to treat certain diseases later, you don't know anything, but you know something about it.

