Advantages of the Picosecond Laser Machine

The Picosecond Laser Machine is actually a laser with a pulse width of picoseconds. Because of its picosecond ultra-short pulse width, adjustable repetition rate, high pulse energy, etc., this machine has been widely used in biomedical, optical parametric oscillation and biomicroscopy imaging. It has gradually become an increasingly important tool in modern biological imaging and analysis systems. Picosecond Laser Machine For Tattoo Removal And Skin Rejuvenation

Picosecond laser technology has made remarkable progress now and has become a reliable tool for industrial micromachining, which cannot be accomplished by other methods. The picosecond pulse width can be compared to the electro-optic relaxation time, which is short enough to "cold" ablate the material.
Picosecond lasers have a number of advantages over shorter pulse width femtosecond lasers, so there is no need to broaden and compress the pulses for amplification. The picosecond laser design is less complex, so it is more cost effective and more reliable. The picosecond pulse is still short enough to handle some of the fine machining that is very precise and stress free.

