How To Avoid The Night Driving LED Lights Blue Light Brought About By The Harm?

To improve the vision, many city roads, highways and viaducts have been equipped with LED lights. Especially the busy sections of the vehicle, the setting of street lamps greatly reduces the possibility of traffic accidents. Compared with the traditional high-pressure sodium lamps, LED lights with energy saving, light decay, long life, low maintenance costs and many other advantages, but there are unavoidable defects LED lights - Blu-ray hazards.

The American Medical Association (AMA) has recently accepted a formal policy statement on street lighting: cold and dark. In its statement, the color temperature should not exceed 3000 Kelvin (K) for nighttime outdoor lighting, especially street lighting. The higher the color temperature, the more white light, which means a higher content of blue light, and white LED bulb color temperature can usually reach 4000K-5000K, containing harmful blue light higher.

White LED street lamp in addition to threatening health, but also easy to affect the driver's vision. Because of the high energy content of blue light, encountered in the air of small particles of high rate of random scattering, driving at night in the field of vision prone to greater brightness changes, causing visual discomfort and loss of clearness glare phenomenon. As with the high beam, the driver's vision and visibility of a very large impact, a little carelessness is likely to lead to traffic accidents.

Improve energy efficiency is imperative, but the bad lighting and glare caused by the physiological rhythm and other personal risks are disrupted, also must be minimized. As long as a reasonable design, I believe LED technology will be able to bring both the optimal solution.

