How to clean water stains on the glass of bi fold shower enclosure


       In a society that pursues fashion trends, many families are interested in house decoration, and even the design of a bathroom is decorated with a unique flavor. However, many customers are particularly annoyed by the fact that the glass of the bi fold shower enclosure often shows traces of water droplets, so how can we effectively and conveniently deal with the traces of water droplets? Here is a brief description of commonly used solutions.

      First look for a water pipe or use a shower to spray on the glass of the bi fold shower enclosure, when the glass surface is full of water droplets. But don't wait for the glass to dry before cleaning, otherwise it will not only be very laborious, but the glass will also be easily scratched by the rag and cause marks.
     bi fold shower enclosure
      Then look for the washing powder, spray from the top of the glass, so that the washing powder can fully adhere to the glass door, and then wait about three minutes, when the enzyme in the washing powder reacts, wipe the glass from top to bottom with a rag. During the wiping process, you will find a lot of bubbles, but don’t worry, just continue to wipe the front and back sides of the glass, otherwise if you only clean one side, the other side will be difficult to see.

       Finally, use clean water, use a water pipe or shower to face the glass from top to bottom and start to rinse and spray to wash away all the bubbles. At this time, you will find that the glass of the bi fold shower enclosure will be very clean and transparent. If you feel that the glass is not clean enough, you can add another process at this time, which is to use toilet cleaner or glass cleaner to dilute the tap water, dilute it, look for a small sweep, and then proceed from top to bottom. Sweep, and finally rinse with clean water.

  When you need to clean dry glass, you can wipe it with a dry cloth. Of course, if you have newspapers at home, it is best to use newspapers for wiping, because newspapers have better water absorption and the fibers of newspapers are arranged closely, so if you wipe them with newspapers, they are the most beautiful and clean.

