Introduction to the seven advantages of RFID tags

 Compared with traditional barcode technology, RFID tags can save more time, manpower and material resources, reduce production costs, and improve work efficiency.

1. Quick scan. The RFID reader can identify and read several RFID tags at the same time!

2. Small size and diversified shapes. RFID is not limited by size and shape in reading, and does not need to match the fixed size and printing quality of the paper for reading accuracy. In addition, RFID tags can be miniaturized and developed in various forms to be applied to different products.

3. Anti-pollution ability and durability. The carrier of traditional bar codes is paper, so it is easy to be contaminated, but RFID has strong resistance to water, oil and chemicals. In addition, because the barcode is attached to the plastic bag or the outer packaging carton, it is particularly vulnerable to breakage; RFID tag is to store the data in the chip, so it can be protected from contamination.

4. Can be reused. Nowadays, the barcode cannot be changed after it is printed, and the RFID tag can repeatedly add, modify, and delete the data stored in the RFID tag to facilitate the update of information.

5. Penetrating and barrier-free reading. When covered, RFID can penetrate non-metal or non-transparent materials such as paper, wood, and plastic, and can perform penetrating communication. The barcode scanner can read the barcode only when it is close and there is no obstruction.

6. Large data memory capacity. The capacity of a one-dimensional barcode is 50Bytes, the capacity of a two-dimensional barcode can store 2 to 3000 characters, and the capacity of an RFID is MegaBytes. With the development of memory carriers, the data capacity is also expanding. In the future, the amount of data that items need to carry will become larger and larger, and the demand for the expansion of the capacity of the label will also increase accordingly.

7. Stability. Since RFID carries electronic information, its data content can be protected by a password, so that its content is not easy to be forged and altered.

RFID has attracted attention due to its long-distance reading and high storage capacity. It can not only help an enterprise greatly improve the efficiency of goods and information management, but also connect sales companies and manufacturing companies to more accurately receive feedback information, control demand information, and optimize the entire supply chain.

