Some of Little Known but Extremely Useful Query Tools for Trade in China

We often use some query tools such as international express inquiries, air bill of lading number inquiries, ocean bill of lading number inquiries, China tariff inquiries in our trade. But there are several query tools little known but very easy to use, and they are very important

1) Chinese people cannot search with Google in China because of political and other reasons. They use their country-specific search engine: Baidu, which runs independently of Google, and that means a lot of information is not available with Google. For example, you are planning work with a new Chinese supplier and would like to know about the company, or want to know whether there is a bigger and better manufacturer for certain product, or you want to work with a real manufacturer rather than through traders, and you can search with Baidu for relevant information. If you have a friend who speaks Chinese, you can ask him for a favor, and you will have unexpected results, because information found by Baidu is broader and more real. Web site: Remember: Input Chinese for better search results!

2) If you have a new supplier whose offer is very attractive, but because it is a new supplier, you are not familiar with it and your current understanding of it only comes from Google or some other trading platforms. If you want to learn more about the real situation of the company, for example, its size, credit status or integrity, etc., you can use this tool to find the above information from the official government records, which are very comprehensive and authentic.  More importantly, it comes in English and is free of charge! Website:

3) Do you want to know your which large factories in China produce the product that interests you, do want to know the customs declaration amount of the product? You can access to the Chinese customs data for exact query, and you will see which factories are the biggest exporters of the product you purchase and their export declaration amount and other information! The data there are 100% accurate because they are derived from China customs records. These factories are the actual manufacturers and not traders. These data are of great reference value. Website:

4) Sometimes you have agreed with a factory on the delivery of goods, but in the end you find they are still delayed. In order to avoid fines, factories often say that should be attributed to Chinese customs inspection or deduction of goods which is out of their control, but some of the Chinese customs information is not symmetrical and it is always impossible to trace. On the contrary, you can find the truth on your own; you can find all the information about China customs and tiers. Inquiry address: It is free of charge. Input the container number, you will be immediately told when the container was returned to the tier, and when it was released by the customs, whether the customs inspected and other detailed dynamic information.

5) For counterparts engaged in trade, the general channel through which you acquire product and price information channels are some third-party trading platforms that people all know, but not all of the factories release their products on these platforms, often some very innovative and interesting stuff are not available on those platforms. Alibaba has a B2C website for the country, also China's largest electronic business platform, where some very fresh and innovative things can be found, including copy goods, you can find a friend who speaks Chinese for help (99% are searchable with Chinese), you can find the right product first before finding a factory. Website:

